Friday, February 7, 2020

WtPB 57 - Lost Season 4 Episodes 4-6

The Lost Boys return(Derek, Dylan and Jon) to talk about the season 4 episodes Eggtown, The Constant and The Other Woman.
We start with Eggtown. A Kate centric episode that doesn't do much to advance the plot. Off the Island we're shown parts of Kate's trial that don't make much sense. While on the Island, we see the group that followed Locke settling into their lives at the Barracks. As Jack's group back at the beach prepares to leave the Island.

We then go into what is widely considered one of the best episodes of the entire series, The Constant, which is Desmond centric. This episode actually focuses almost exclusively on Desmond, as his consciousness as become "unstuck in time." Which causes his 1996 consciousness to leap into his 2004 body and back again repeatedly.

And then we wrap things up with The Other Woman, a Juliet centric episode. In flashbacks we see brief scenes from Juliet's first 3 years on the Island. As it turns out, she had been having an affair with Goodwin prior to his death at the hands of Ana Lucia and the flashbacks focus mostly on that. In the present, Daniel and Charlotte take off on a mission to a new station, The Tempest. Hijinks ensue.

Without further adu, let's do this thing!


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