Tuesday, April 9, 2019

WtPB 53 - Lost Season 3 Episodes 16-18

This week Jon rejoins Dylan and Derek to talk about Lost some more. This time we'll be getting into Season 3 episodes 16, 17 and 18. One of Us, Catch-22 and DOC respectively.

We start with One of Us, a Juliet centric episode. The flashbacks this episode focus on Juliet's arrival on the Island and the 3 years between that event and the crash of Flight 815. In the present, Juliet combats the Losties prejudices towards the Others as she races to help Claire, who has come down with a mysterious illness.

Next we have Catch-22, which centers on Desmond. This episodes flashbacks feature Desmond becoming a monk and turns out to be the story of how Desmond and Penny first met. The on Island story again focuses on Desmond's super power, where he can foresee Charlie's death. But this time we actually get to see what Desmond sees as we get introduced to a new character and someone we thought dead returns. There's a lot of Easter Eggs in this episode.

Finally we had DOC, or Date of Conception which is a Sun and Jin episode. In the flashbacks we mostly follow Sun, as she's approached by a woman who tells her Jin lied to her about his parents being dead and attempts to blackmail Sun to maintain the secret and avoid the public shame that would result from Jin's secret coming out. We discuss Korean culture, but we're admittedly not experts, so if we got something wrong, feel free to let us know.

On the Island, Sun(in the early stages of pregnancy) approaches Juliet inquiring about the birthing issues on the Island. The rest of the episode revolves around Juliet taking Sun to the medical station to give Sun an ultrasound to determine when she got pregnant, as it may be a matter of life and death. There's a lot of exposition regarding the birthing problems in this episode.

I'm sure you're sick of reading, so let's get into this.


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